Collections Overview
Collection | Abstract Data Type | Data Structure | Details |
BidiMap bidimap.h | Bidirectional Map | Two Hashtables | A bijection between two sets of unique keys and unique values K <-> V using two hashtables |
Deque deque.h | Double-Ended Queue | Dynamic Circular Array | A circular array that allows push and pop on both ends (only) at constant time |
HashMap hashmap.h | Map | Hashtable | A unique set of keys associated with a value K -> V with constant time look up using a hashtable with open addressing and robin hood hashing |
HashSet hashset.h | Set | Hashtable | A unique set of values with constant time look up using a hashtable with open addressing and robin hood hashing |
Heap heap.h | Priority Queue | Dynamic Array | A binary heap as a dynamic array as an implicit data structure |
IntervalHeap intervalheap.h | Double-Ended Priority Queue | Custom Dynamic Array | A dynamic array of nodes, each hosting one value from the MinHeap and one from the MaxHeap |
LinkedList linkedlist.h | List | Doubly-Linked List | A default doubly-linked list |
List list.h | List | Dynamic Array | A dynamic array with push and pop anywhere on the array |
MultiMap multimap.h | Multimap | Custom Hashtable | A mapping of multiple keys with one node per key using a hashtable with separate chaining |
Multiset multiset.h | Multiset | Hashtable | A mapping of a value and its multiplicity using a hashtable with open addressing and robin hood hashing |
Queue queue.h | FIFO | Dynamic Circular Array | A queue using a circular array with enqueue at the back index and dequeue at the front index |
SortedList sortedlist.h | Sorted List | Sorted Dynamic Array | A lazily sorted dynamic array that is sorted only when necessary |
Stack stack.h | FILO | Dynamic Array | A stack with push and pop at the end of a dynamic array |
TreeMap treemap.h | Sorted Map | AVL Tree | A unique set of keys associated with a value K -> V using an AVL tree with log(n) look up and sorted iteration |
TreeSet treeset.h | Sorted Set | AVL Tree | A unique set of keys using an AVL tree with log(n) look up and sorted iteration |