Generic Assertion Macros



Assert that two arrays are equal element by element. from_index and to_index are both inclusive.

#define cmc_assert_array_equals_any(dtype, array1, array2, comparator, \
                                    from_index, to_index)
  • dtype - The type of the array. Can be of any data type.
  • array1 - First array to be compared
  • array2 - Second array to be compared
  • comparator - A comparator function pointer that has two dtype arguments and returns -1 if the first is less then the second, 0 if both are equal or 1 if the first is greater then the second
  • from_index - First index from both arrays to compare (inclusive)
  • to_index - Last index from both arrays to compare (inclusive)


Assert that each element in the array are within a certain boundary. Both ends are inclusive.

#define cmc_assert_array_within_any(dtype, array, comparator, lower_bound, \
                                    upper_bound, from_index, to_index)
  • dtype - The type of the array. Can be of any data type
  • array - Array to be checked if its elements are within a given range
  • comparator - A comparator function pointer that has two dtype arguments and returns -1 if the first is less then the second, 0 if both are equal or 1 if the first is greater then the second
  • lower_bound - Smallest value of the given range
  • upper_bound - Highest value of the given range
  • from_index - First index from the array to compare (inclusive)
  • to_index - Last index from the array to compare (inclusive)


Assert that each element in the array are outside of a certain boundary. Both ends are inclusive.

#define cmc_assert_array_outside_any(dtype, array, comparator, lower_bound, \
                                     upper_bound, from_index, to_index)
  • dtype - The type of the array. Can be of any data type
  • array - Array to be checked if its elements are within a given range
  • comparator - A comparator function pointer that has two dtype arguments and returns -1 if the first is less then the second, 0 if both are equal or 1 if the first is greater then the second
  • lower_bound - Smallest value of the given range
  • upper_bound - Highest value of the given range
  • from_index - First index from the array to compare (inclusive)
  • to_index - Last index from the array to compare (inclusive)


Asserts that an array is sorted.

#define cmc_assert_array_sorted_any(dtype, array, comparator, from_index, \
  • dtype - The type of the array. Can be of any data type
  • array - Array to be checked if it is sorted
  • comparator - A comparator function pointer that has two dtype arguments and returns -1 if the first is less then the second, 0 if both are equal or 1 if the first is greater then the second
  • from_index - First index from the array to compare (inclusive)
  • to_index - Last index from the array to compare (inclusive)