
Every collection can have an optional callback node. In this node there are five functions:

createIs called when an element was successfully added to the collection
readIs called when the collection was successfully queried about an element
updateIs called when an element in the collection was successfully updated
deleteIs called when an element was successfully removed from the collection
resizeIs called when the collection was full and successfully resized

Check the documentation for each collection to see which functions call which callbacks.


Every collection has a pointer to this struct. If it is NULL then the collection has no callbacks. Also, individual callbacks can be optional if set to NULL.

struct cmc_callbacks
    void (*create)(void);
    void (*read)(void);
    void (*update)(void);
    void (*delete)(void);
    void (*resize)(void);


#include "cmc/heap.h"
#include "utl/futils.h" // cmc_i32_cmp

// Generate a heap of integers
CMC_GENERATE_HEAP(i32h, i32heap, int)

void heap_on_create(void)
    printf("An element was added to the heap\n");

int main(void)
    // create() is set but the other callbacks are not
    struct cmc_callbacks my_callbacks = { .create = heap_on_create, NULL };

    // Create a max heap with the callbacks
    struct i32heap *heap = i32h_new_custom(
        100, cmc_max_heap, &(struct i32heap_fval){ .cmp = cmc_i32_cmp }, NULL,

    i32h_insert(heap, 10);
    i32h_insert(heap, 11);
    i32h_insert(heap, 12);
